We are delighted to have our local Assemblyman, Josh Hoover, as the guest speaker at our next General Meeting.
It’ll be a most informative evening. Please join us on September 25, 2024, 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm,
Oak Hills Church Family Auditorium.


Mission Statement

We are a non-profit community-based organization assisting those experiencing homelessness in Folsom toward self-sufficiency and greater independence.

HART of Folsom

Operational Support

We are all volunteers and 100% of the funds we raise go to providing services to those we serve. Read more…

HART for Housing

We are now focusing on housing for our clients that have jobs or are ready to begin working and are living on the streets of Folsom. Read more…

Winter Shelter

The Folsom Winter Shelter (FWS) operates for 3 months each year. This year we will operate from January Read more…

We Reduce Homelessness in Folsom

HART helps individuals

HART works with individuals

Our main component of our program is to establish a mentoring relationship with the individuals (clients) that is built on respect and trust. We create a comfortable and loving relationship that allows the client to become self-assured and empower them to become independent and self-sustaining. We desire to help our clients to become positive and productive members of our community.
Read more about our services.

HART works with other organizations

HART works with other organizations

We are a resource team for the individuals and connect them to services or programs that will assist them on their path to a better life. We believe that each organization we connect with is skilled in their own mission; we will support and encourage the client during these contacts. We are proudly partnered with many organizations, but are always on the outlook for others to join us in our mission.
Read more about our partners.

Our Goals

  • PROVIDE professional, case management
  • ENCOURAGE movement out of Homelessness
  • CONNECT to Resources
  • TEACH AND ASSIST with budgeting
  • AID in gainful employment
  • ASSIST in locating affordable housing

How You Can Help


Sign up to become part of HART of Folsom.


Support our programs with a monetary gift.

Thank you HART Supporters!

HART of Folsom expanded housing and support services to the homeless in 2023.  We look forward to helping more individuals transform their circumstances in 2024. Thank you, donors and volunteers, for making this possible!