Code of Conduct and Photo Release

Folsom Winter Shelter Volunteer Code of Conduct

  1. I will work in a cooperative manner, show respect, and support other volunteers and guests.
  2. I will respect the confidentiality of volunteers and guests.
  3. I will report concerns about suspected emotional or physical abuse to the Folsom Winter Shelter Night Captains.
  4. I understand my most valuable contribution is my time and will not provide money to guests.
  5. I will limit my interactions to guests to public places or other appropriate settings, never in private.
  6. I have a right to protect my privacy and identity.
  7. I have a right to feel safe in my Folsom Winter Shelter involvement and report any problems immediately.

Please acknowledge that you agree to abide by the Folsom Winter Shelter Volunteer Code of Conduct

Folsom Winter Shelter – Photo/Video release

I hereby authorize HART of Folsom, hereafter referred to as “HART”, to publish images of me and use of my name, for use in HART online and video-based marketing/information materials, as well as other HART publications. I hereby and hold harmless HART from any reasonable expectations of privacy or confidentiality associated with the imagers specified above. I acknowledge my participation is voluntary and that I will not receive financial compensation of any type and said photos confers no right of ownership or royalties whatsoever. I hereby release HART, it’s associates its employees, volunteers and any 3rd parties involved in the creation or publication of marketing materials, from liability for any claims by me or any 3rd party in connection with my participation.

Please acknowledge that you agree to abide by the Folsom Winter Shelter – Photo/Video release